Friday, March 28th, 2025

The Official Brian Schad Commodity Futures

& Options Trading Corporation Website


Commitment to Trading Excellence




Endorsements & Testimonials

** These endorsements are not indicative of future success. **

If you are looking for personal assistance in using my techniques, you can do no better than talk to Brian.”

— Larry WilliamsWorld renowned trader, lecturer, and author

I have been following Brian’s trading methods for the past few years. Having been a floor trader the past ten years, I have been approached with many different types of trading methods. Brian’s system is the only system I endorse because of the discipline of risk to profit ratio he practices.”

— Dennis Kissler(Former) Chicago Mercantile Exchange Floor Trader

Brian has been a valued partner of ours since 2000, and we love sharing his method and strategies with our client base.”

— Glen Larson, President, Genesis Financial Technologies

Brian has invaluable experience in the trading industry and has always shown integrity in his work.  I admire his energetic commitment to his clients and trading.”

— Pete Kilman, Vice-President of Operations, Trade Navigator



Advisory Service Testimonials for One-on-One Trading Tutor™ Services

Below are testimonials from clients about SCHAD Commodity Futures & Options Trading Corporation – in their own words…

** These testimonials are not indicative of future success.  Furthermore, not every client has a favorable experience.  The consultation service is orientated to help clients reach their goals of success in the marketplace which can never be guaranteed. **


“Having traded commodities off and on for the past several years, I was fortunate in finding Brian Schad recently.  I am certainly pleased with his assistance thus far…!  I am looking forward to learning Brian’s style of trading. I highly recommend his service.

Lowell W.” – Hesperia, California

“I’m excited about what has been happening to me since working with you.  As a therapist, I realize the importance of objective knowledge in successful decision making. Your market expertise is providing me with the objectivity I have desperately needed! Correct information has taken the “fear” and “panic” factor out of my trading and has brought back excitement and joy.

In the past I have liquidated winning positions too early and held on to losing positions too long! Both have cost me money and a lot of emotional wear.

Your commitment to my capital preservation with the use of calls and puts is allowing me the freedom to trade more markets. The suggestion on trading with a discount broker has cut down my overhead by 60%.

Your resources, analysis, and patience with me is making commodity trading exciting and enjoyable.

You have exceptional insight into all factors that move the market and the gift of sharing this information with others. I look forward to a long and successful personal relationship.

Sincerely, Mike D.” – Louisville, Texas

“With 12 years experience investing in the stock market, and after taking “Larry Williams” course, you Brian have guided and lifted me to a higher level of trading.

I sincerely thank you, Eric K.” – San Dimas, California

“Brian, As the one year anniversary date of our business relationship draws near, I thought I’d take a moment and give you some of my thoughts on my education as a commodity trader. As you will recall, when I first joined up with you, I was just beginning my trading career; at that time still not having done any actual trading. As well as the philosophy that you presented, the one thing that caused me to follow your guidance was the sincerity with which you spoke. But, as a beginner, I simply could not help myself. I had to try things my way even when contrary to your advice. I guess everyone must go to the school of hard knocks.

I must admit that it has been a long and rocky road. During this first year the biggest hurdle for me has not been the learning of systems, but the understanding of my own psychology and whether or not I can truly handle the emotional roller coaster rides that this new journey has me taking every single day. I now know that I can, but I know something else with absolute certainty; without you being there, I would no longer be trading today. You have the patience of Job, and no matter when I called, “you were there for me” as promised. Even at the busiest of times, you always had time to deal with my crisis. Thank-you for doing what you said you would do.

As a closing thought, I’d like to share with you what I think is the most important lesson that I have learned to date: I will always have a plan in place before trading. Now where have I heard that before?

Sincerely, and most respectfully, Tim C.” – Lubec, Maine

“Brian, It’s 1:00am here and after studying my charts, and after our talk today, I am finally starting to see the light! You’re an excellent guy! Thanks for making me see it for myself! I want to swing trade this way and fit it into my lifestyle.

Most of my recent confusion was because I was craming too much (information). I’ve still got alot more to learn from you, but after today, I know my plan and do not feel the pressure of “fundamentals” or many of the other indicators – PRICE RULES. Thanks for your mega-patience!

Ron M.” – Kensington, Connecticut

“Dear Brian, I just want to take a few minutes of your time to let you know how much I appreciate you. But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself since I believe we will have a long business and personal relationship. I am sixty years old nearing life’s changes. I live on and operate a small farm. . .

Now this brings me how I came to know you. I was looking to trade commodities as I believe that it would be a good way to supplement my income if I could be successful. I have tried to play the market to a limited extent with poor results. I then became convinced that you must have professional help if you are going to trade successfully. I joined your service with some apprehension, but I was ever surprised. You are very professional and truly care about your clients. Many times I have called and I know that you are very busy, but you always stop whatever you are doing and give me 100% of your attention. I truly believe it when you say no one is going to be left behind. I always enjoy hearing you say I am here for you when I call. I appreciate that and your professional call on the market. As you can tell, I am a novice at trading and will never trade without your recommendation. I highly recommend anyone wanting trading to use your service.

Your friend and student, Larry W.” – Vernon, Texas

“Dear Brian, Things have gotten very busy for me in construction here, but not for one moment have I forgotten the numerous talks we’ve had and the many lessons I’ve learned directly from you. Most importantly, is the trading discipline that I have almost mastered to very near 100%. You’re patience, sincerity, honesty and brilliant mind are unmatched in this business!! Not a single day goes by without my beans, bean oil, and wheat charts being updated and studied. Your trading style and plan is the only method that makes more sense than anything else out there. And as you may know, before you and I traded together, I searched full circle in this business for the answers, and they are not to be found.

Do not fear the markets with a plan, is so true Brian. I thank you once again for the training and discipline you’ve instilled in me so far, and look forward to a continued trading partnership with you.

Very respectfully, Ron M.” – Kensington, Connecticut

“Brian – It has been a long time since I communicated with you, and I don’t even know if you remember me. I have been with you now for about a year through (a recommended brokerage house) and want to pass on my complete gratitude.

This is a tough business, as you know, but you continue to use wisdom and discipline in your trading, and it does not go unnoticed. Cheers for a great day, and I hope to speak with you soon.

Warm regards, Randy G.” – Hidden Hills, California

** These testimonials are not indicative of future success.  Furthermore, not every client has a favorable experience.  The consultation service is orientated to help clients reach their goals of success in the marketplace which can never be guaranteed. **



Wealth Secrets: CONFIDENTIAL Testimonials for Home-Study Workshop (Now Available)

Below are a few examples of testimonials from workshop graduate’s surveys about Wealth Secrets: CONFIDENTIAL – in their own words…

** These testimonials are not indicative of future success.  Furthermore, not every client has a favorable experience.  The home-study literature is orientated to help clients reach their goals of success in the marketplace which can never be guaranteed. **



I won’t take up much time. I studied your course in depth for a second time about two years after the first time I took it and passed the test as we discussed.

This time I “get” it. Apparently the first time I understood what I read but it was really over my head for my experience level. After of fumbling around trading for a year then redoing the course I really understand what you are teaching.

I have paper traded for one month trying to duplicate your method using options and managing the trade. Far superior to what I was doing previously.

The biggest thing that hit me was the emotional state and attitude of your teaching and how far off this “state” I am. I am training myself to duplicate this attitude of discipline and patience of following a strict system without dreaming something else up everyday. A few more months of strict training I will return to the market.

It is a wonderful work and as one of your students I appreciate what you have taken the time to produce and teach.

Tim” – Texas

“…my confidence level has increased by 100%…(and) the overall trading picture simply seems clearer now! I found the workshop a real learning experience (and) highly recommend this workshop. This method of trading just makes good sense.  In the past I never had a plan for trading, I now have that plan!

– Allen M.” Calgary, Alberta Canada

“The course is excellent and well presented with step-by-step examples…more than I expected. I especially liked your personal experience and flavor – it kept it from being cold and clinical…Thanks Brian!

 Jim B.” Overton, Nevada

“I have spent over $50,000.00 buying systems and education to trade the commodity markets. You offered a relatively inexpensive course that put all the pieces together without any smoke and mirrors or reliance from a guru’s opinion…(as your) course combined current knowledge which I had in different compartments into a practical, logical, and sensible cohesive plan. Thanks.

 Samuel B.” Somers, Montana

“Thank you for writing Wealth Secrets, it opened my eyes. I am now more confident and less stressed when I trade. Your course fundamentally changed my investing style. Overall a super job, worth every dollar spent!

– Dr. Carl B., MD” Portland, Oregon

“(Wealth Secrets: CONFIDENTIAL)…exemplary and stimulating. …the ultimate challenge and a chess-masters delight!

 Jon B.” Kalispell, Montana

“…(Wealth Secrets) …well organized and well explained. (Money) well spent!

 Scotty B.” Sacramento, California

“Thumbs up!! for the Wealth Secrets course. It has provided me with all the tools to trade the markets with confidence. Your techniques are simple and easy to understand.  I know at all times how to manage my positions. Your methods taught me to let the markets be my guide, not my emotions. Thank you Brian, for all of your help. It was greatly appreciated.

 Donny A.” Nescopeck, Pennsylvania

“Do not expect Brian’s course to teach you about the commodities martket. Gain a good understanding of how the markets operate before you start the course. Use Brians course for what it was intended, an investment strategy for trading the futures market.  Your course provides the foundation for that, now it is a matter of putting that knowledge into practice.

– Robert H.” Virginia Beach, Virginia

“The lessons we learn in the market come the hard way. I wish I had taken this course years ago. (I) could have saved alot of heartache!

 Larry F.” Solana Beach, California

“I think that you put together an excellent program. You had a vision of where you wanted to take the individual, and you did not get lost trying to get there. I feel much more confident on my market selection. The program provided a very methodical way to determine which markets provide the best opportunities, …(and) did a great job of taking you through the trade from start to finish without getting bogged down with a lot of technical analyses. Once in a trade, it provides the means to manage and exit the trade with an emphasis on protecting your account equity. I can honestly say that I learned something new throughout the entire course. I think that each new idea, or concept, built on what came before it.

I think it helped me most in understanding the proper use of options in managing risk. For the first time I feel that I understand how to approach the use of options in trading, (and) how to determine when, or when not, to use them. I feel I can greatly reduce the amount of time, stress, and fear in selecting which trades to take. There is a whole lot less anxiety when I place an order!

If you’re looking for the “Holy Grail” to pick the tops and bottoms, keep looking.  With this program you can be confident with your selections because you let the market make them for you.

 Kris T.” Cocoa, Florida

“Thanks for all your help and support in getting me on the right track in my trading… I am a new trader who’s taken a prior course and read several books. I’ve learned lots of good things from those materials but I did not understand how to apply those things to trading in a successful way. My trading was haphazard. I would search the markets for good signals and take them jumping from market to market. The problem was I wouldn’t stick with a market long enough to catch the move when (if) it occurred.

The workshop met my expectations by being focused on the nuts and bolts of actually trading and managing a position. I’ve learned from (this course) how to manage my trading and the importance of focus and discipline in trading. The practice excercises helped to take the lessons from theory to practical application. The test also helped greatly to reinforce and fill in gaps in my knowledge. What I’ve come to understand from applying the lessons of the workshop to my trading is the importance of picking a market, or two, with good trends and then sticking with them and being in them when the moves do occur, and specifically how to manage this. Yes, my trading is much more focused now. If a trader is looking to bring direction and focus and a professional approach to their trading, they should consider taking this course.

 Ed R.” Skokie, Illinois

“Brian, I can’t thank you enough for the marvelous course you have put together. Your course met all of my expectations, and more. I purchased the Ken Roberts course several years ago and, after completing it I felt I still didn’t have enough information to proceed confidently,…(or) have a grip on when to enter and exit.  I believe that with the training material you have provided, and the experience I gain using your techniques, I can become a professional trader. I feel confident in my ability to proceed.

Sincerely, Roland L.” Eagle River, Alaska

“The course met all of my expectations. It was easy to follow and understand, and I feel more knowledgeable having completed it.

 Shelby H.” Winona, Texas

“The course fell outside of my expectations which was a pleasant surprise because it fulfilled a goal I had on the back burner. As for the course telling me your method, the only way it could tell me more would be by showing you in action. (Your) course is a template which I can now follow that would otherwise be, maybe, never discovered in thousands of trials.

Charlie D. the legendary Bond pit trader of this past decade is said to have claimed that there was nothing new, nothing that hadn’t already been done before him, that anyone needed to succeed in the pits. Yet, nobody did it better, on a grander scale, than he. It was the way he put it together that gave him the edge.

This course has put together a methodology, a plan, a complete system, that appears to work better than anything I can imagine. It has the feel of a winner imparted by the author. But, until I actually do it, I don’t intend to tell a soul about it,… it’s that good!

 Richard C.” Ringoes, New Jersey

** These testimonials are not indicative of future success.  Furthermore, not every client has a favorable experience.  The home-study literature is orientated to help clients reach their goals of success in the marketplace which can never be guaranteed. **