by Brian Schad | Jun 7, 2016 | Energy Futures, Gasoline Futures
Gasoline futures are down two weeks in a row after six-month highs were made just poor to Memorial Day weekend because of record usage and the lowest pump prices in a decade. Gasoline futures are down nearly .03c from last week currently trading at $1.5862 at the New...
by Brian Schad | Apr 28, 2016 | Energy Futures, Gasoline Futures
Gasoline futures have reached three month highs this week on reportedly record demand. Gasoline futures are down a mere 22 points today currently trading at $1.5925 per gallon at New York’s Mercantile Exchange. The world’s biggest oil producers are said to have failed...
by Brian Schad | Feb 18, 2016 | Energy Futures, Gasoline Futures
Gasoline futures are behaving, according to Goldman Sachs, as if the US economy is headed toward a recession. Gasoline futures are .01 and a quarter-cent today currently trading at $1.2333 per gallon at the New York Mercantile Exchange. An analyst at the...
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