by Brian Schad | Aug 17, 2015 | Dairy Market, Milk Futures
Milk futures continue to make lower highs and lower lows since wholesale milk prices reached a five-year high last September and are now down one-third from this high making the Dairy State farmers feel the economic pinch. Milk futures for September delivery are up...
by Brian Schad | Jun 30, 2015 | Dairy Market, Milk Futures
Domestic milk output is said to be set at the highest ever for the fifth straight year, but now some dairies are reportedly not able to find buyers because milk is so abundant. Raw milk supplies are reportedly over capacity at processing plants in some parts of the...
by Brian Schad | May 14, 2015 | Butter Futures, Dairy Market, Milk Futures
Butter prices are said to be rising substantially for two-fold reasons: a demand for milk-fat, and a recent drop in production. So what is going on with the domestic butter market that hasn’t seen these high $2 per pound butter prices since November? California dairy...
by Brian Schad | Dec 11, 2014 | Agricultural Futures Trading, Butter Futures, Milk Futures
Butter eaters around the world will delight with an extra helping as wholesale milk prices continue to drop from all-time highs in September. Dairies have kept the milk flowing like never before the former high milk (futures) prices have helped to expand production...
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